Health Anxiety

Every so often, patients book appointments with me for anxiety treatment and it turns out that they are suffering from a very specific kind of anxiety. These patients are suffering from what is called “health anxiety”. In other words, they are experiencing immense amounts of worry and fear around interpreting benign physical sensations as an indication of a serious medical condition. These clients have so much distress about possible illnesses that it’s hard for them to even function. Increased prevalence due to COVID Health anxiety has increased during the pandemic. Researchers have noticed that COVID has tipped a lot of … Read more…

Anxiety or Harmful Perfectionism?

I see many anxious high school and college-age clients in my practice. As I get to know them, I have noticed that a large number are anxious because they are struggling with harmful perfectionism. While it is good to challenge yourself to do well and improve your performance it is possible to take it too far. There is a big difference between having challenging goals and having standards that are impossible to meet.  Standards so high that meeting them sacrifices your social life, physical health, and mental well-being. Many of my clients who have gone too far. They have swallowed … Read more…