Exploring the Journey of Clear Mind Counseling NJ: Jacque Howard Trenton 365

As an anxiety specialist and psychotherapist, my journey into the field of counseling wasn’t a straight path. Initially, I dreamt of becoming an English professor, but life had other plans for me. Through my involvement in literacy education and counseling, I discovered a passion for helping individuals overcome their struggles. In a recent interview with Jacque Howard Trenton 365, I had the opportunity to share insights into my practice at Clear Mind Counseling NJ. We delved into various aspects, including my work with children with learning disabilities at The Bridge Academy, an accredited school providing vital support in New Jersey. … Read more…

6 Ways to cope with Election Stress Disorder:

Navigating the 2024 Election Season with Resilience As we approach the 2024 election season, many politically engaged people areexperiencing heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. The constant barrageof political news, divisive rhetoric, and the high stakes of the election can take a toll onmental health and well-being. It’s time to explore effective coping strategies to helpindividuals navigate Election Stress Disorder and prioritize their mental wellness duringthis challenging time. Understanding Election Stress Disorder: Election Stress Disorder is an unofficial term. It was coined by Steven Stosny, a couplestherapist to describe a new outpouring of stress, anger and anxiety he was … Read more…

Managing Your Mom Anxiety

Happy Mother’s Day, all you moms out there. I love being a mother, and motherhood is a beautiful and rewarding experience. It is also true, though, that it comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the most common struggles that mothers face is anxiety. From worrying about our child’s health and safety to feeling overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list, it’s no wonder that many mothers experience feelings of anxiety and stress. In general women report and seek help for anxiety more then men.  This fact has been attributed variously to women’s hormone fluctuations, socialization, the structure of … Read more…

Will People Judge Me for Seeing a Therapist

The Fear of Stigma  Are you struggling with the fear of stigma but would like to have the support of a mental health professional to talk to? Here are some things to consider.  Should I worry about having a diagnosis? Don’t worry too much about the “specter” of having a diagnosis. It is not a label that defines you. It is not set in stone and doesn’t remain relevant forever. Diagnoses are based on statistics of symptoms of people who have felt similarly to the way you do. A  diagnosis is used to help a therapist find evidence-based treatments that … Read more…

Parents and First-Generation Children

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the phenomenon of immigration has become more prevalent. Immigrant parents often come to a new country with hopes of providing a better life for their children, seeking opportunities and a better future. However, this transition is not always smooth, as the clash of cultures and values can lead to psychological conflicts between immigrant parents and their first-generation children. One of the main sources of conflict stems from the cultural differences between the parent’s home country and the new country where their children are growing up. Immigrant parents may hold onto traditional values, customs, and … Read more…