Debunking Common Myths About Getting into College

The college admissions process is intimidating and has become a source of confusion and even fear for many high school students and their parents.  Some have become convinced that if a student doesn’t get into the “right” college, they will be a “failure in life,” which is far from the truth.  Myths and misconceptions like this circulate within communities and schools, becoming more and more embellished and amplified over time.  They can inspire ruthless competition, bullying, and even poor mental health among students. Let’s debunk some of the most common myths about college admission.  Dispelling these misconceptions will help restore … Read more…

What is out-of-network insurance coverage

Are you Struggling to Find a Therapist With Availability? Try using your out-of-network insurance coverage. While many people limit their search for a therapist to in-network therapists who accept insurance, it can be a struggle. Therapists who take insurance tend to be booked to total capacity and have long appointment waiting lists. Widening your search to include out-of-network, private practitioners can help you expand your therapist pool. Those looking for help often don’t realize that, depending on their health insurance plan, they may be entitled to reimbursement of a portion of the cost of seeing a private therapist. If you … Read more…

The First Step in Tackling Your Anxiety-Challenging Your Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts can have a profound impact on our mental well-being and happiness. They can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, and can even prevent us from reaching our full potential. However, there is a solution to this problem: challenging negative thoughts and reframing them into accurate thoughts. Challenging negative thoughts involves recognizing when you are having them and then questioning their accuracy. For example, if you have the thought “I’m a failure,” you can challenge this by asking yourself, “Is this thought really true? What evidence do I have that supports or refutes this thought?” By … Read more…

30-Day Anxiety Challenge

Challenge Your Anxiety and Change Your Life 30-Day Anxiety Challenge   Most likely, you won’t get rid of all of your anxiety in a  month, but you can take baby steps that put you on the road to making a difference in your world. Most people see a lot of progress within 30 days. The only item you need is commitment. This list will provide you with a few ideas. Put your creative thinking cap on, and you’ll develop a few of your own ideas for challenges that will make a positive difference in your life. 5 Intriguing Ways to Challenge … Read more…

Meditation for those that ‘just can’t meditate’

The popularity of the ancient practice of meditation continues to rise in the western world. It seems that we can’t check out at a grocery store without seeing at least one magazine touting the benefits of meditation. And odds are you’ve tried it at least once. Am I right? Yet, we all know that one person – and perhaps it’s you! – that “just can’t meditate.” “I’ve tried it and can’t do it.” “I can’t sit still.” “It’s not for me.” The truth is, we can all actually do it. Some of us just interpret normal and expected attention-related issues … Read more…

6 Ways To Reduce Your Holiday Anxiety When Everyone Else Is Catastrophizing!

  Negativity is all around us. In a world where social media and reality TV dictate how we should think and act, it’s no wonder that anxiety is at an all-time high. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom, especially during the stress of the holidays.   When you immerse yourself in focusing on the negative daily, you feel drained and anxious thoughts engulf your mind.   Luckily, you can consciously decide to eliminate or reduce anxiety by taking practical steps to resist negative thoughts each day.   Use these strategies to stay positive when … Read more…